Succeeding Over All Roadblocks Lifecast
Do you find yourself often learning lessons the hard way? Instead of running into roadblocks on your journey, you can SOAR. Succeeding Over All Roadblocks is a lifecast about vibrating higher in every area of your life. Join Kesha Whitaker, entrepreneur, and transformational speaker as she shares personal experiences and has revealing conversations with Olympic athletes, influencers, community and political leaders who are SOARing and giving advice on how to overcome unthinkable challenges.
Succeeding Over All Roadblocks Lifecast
Keeping Calm in the Midst of a Storm with Lynn Whitney
When faced with one of life’s storms, how do you handle it? Serial entrepreneur, certified life and business coach Lynn Whitney drops gems on how to keep your cup full and cope with any challenge - especially those that attack your peace of mind. We talked about recognizing the signs of when you need to seek professional help, how she balances life, overcame loss and health challenges while maintaining a six-figure business.
Connect with Lynn Whitney
Facebook: @iamlynnwhitney
Instagram: @iamlynnwhitney | @masteringei
Website: www.lynnwhitney.com
Podcast: @lemonsintopinklemonade
Website: www.pinklemonadetour.com
Connect with SOAR Lifecast
Facebook: @soarlifecast
Instagram: @soarlifecast
Twitter: @soarlifecast